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Events[edit | edit source]

Monday, January 31st

The Magic of Mason (Pep Rally) 12pm, JC Atrium. Ever wanted to see a flying monkey? Ever wanted to ease on down the road? Join us for a mid-day celebration including student performances, special appearances, games, giveaways!

We're Off To See The Majesty (Pageant) 8pm, JC Dewberry Hall. Want to see Mason Royalty? Then compete in this year's 2011 Mason's Majesty Pageant. Watch as your friends compete against other Mason students in talent, Mason knowledge and personality to be crowned as Mason's Majesty.

Tuesday, February 1st

Get Spotted Follow Student Government on Facebook or Twitter to find their secret location! If you find their location and are spotted wearing George Mason University spirit apparel you are eligible to win a grand prize! Follow us on Twitter @gmustudentgov.

Wrapped Up In A Whirl Wind 12-2pm, Media Center. Take home some of the Homecoming Spirit with your own Airbrush Scarfs and Hats.

If Only I Had Some Talent 8pm, Sub II Ballroom. The annual homecoming talent show filled with student performers is back! Compete to win a cash prize! Come with friends, February 1st and watch or participate yourself!

Wednesday, February 2nd

We're Not In Can-Sas Anymore 12-2pm, North Plaza (rain location on request for Patriot's Lounge). Watch student teams participate in the annual Can-Struction competition. Donated non-perishables are built into elaborate structures and later donated to the local food bank.

Lions and Tigers and Lip-Sync Oh My! 8pm, Sub II Ballroom. The second annual lip-sync is back! Come to the Sub 2 ballroom on February 2nd to watch the entertaining team competition! Or get a group of friends and participate yourselves!

Thursday, February 3rd

Lollipop Guild 12-2pm, JC Media Center. We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild and we would like to welcome you to Munchkinland to come and create your own treats using chocolate and yummy toppings.

Emerald City Comedy Jam 8pm, JC Bistro. The yellow brick road isn't always an easy trip! Join us for the Emerald City Comedy Jam and laugh your way to relief.

Friday, February 4th

Follow the Yellow Brick Road Team Competition (Scavenger Hunt) 12-1:15pm, meet at Program Board Office. Travel through the land of OZ capturing some of your favorite moments on film. Grab a group of friends and follow the Yellow Brick Road!

OZ Fest 9-11pm, SUB II Ballroom. "Let's go down to the Ozdust Ballroom, we'll meet there later tonight, we can dance till it lights, find the prettiest girl... give her a whirl right on down to the Ozdust Ballroom come on, follow me you'll be happy to be there..." -Wicked

Saturday, February 5th

Annual Homecoming Parade 10-11am, Patriot's Circle. Mason brings the celebration of homecoming to the streets! Community members, student organizations, marching bands and more provide just the right atmosphere to get us in the mood for Mason Basketball!!

Annual Block Party 10am-1:30pm, Parking Lot A. It's the 13th annual Homecoming Pregame Block Party. Wander through heated tents and hang out with friends, and meet alumni. You just never know who you'll find in the wonderful world of Mason.

For past homecoming schedules, see the archive.